Szklana kula, przebieranki i codzienność / Crystal ball, masquerade and commonness

Kolejne wpisy do artystycznych żurnali, które ostatnio miałam okazję gościć.

These are my posts in girls’ art journals – first one is Drycha’s journal titled Masquerade – text is: flower wreaths/crackle paint/old things/ overgrown backyards/mossy roofs/patined ferrules/rust and dust/rotten wood/broken walls/abandoned houses/creaky floors/white linen shirts


2:16’s journal – „Taste of words” and my collage made using texts from envelope – text is: metaphysics of commonness/poetry of things/beauty of objects/reality is made of the same yarn as dreams

i Urtici – postać z obrazu „The Crystal Ball” (Johna Williama Waterhouse)

and Urtica’s with ladies from paintings – I used John William Waterhouse – „The Crystal Ball” and the text is: will it be/will it come true/will I be happy?

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